
Full Participation – We Get There Together

Full participation makes for better meetings - and we all want…
August 26, 2021/by Jennifer Kammeyer

Matching Others’ Communication Styles without Losing Our Own

We subconsciously adjust our communication styles to match the…
July 26, 2021/by Jennifer Kammeyer

Zoom Fatigue Solutions

Move. Look up. Focus. Acknowledge Effort. Vary Medium.
April 28, 2021/by Jennifer Kammeyer

Graciously Ending Casual Conversations

In meetings we can set time limits and agendas, but in casual…
March 29, 2021/by Jennifer Kammeyer

Black Women Leaders Making History

Two black women just got promoted to CEOs of Fortune 500 companies…
February 28, 2021/by Jennifer Kammeyer

Language to Unify

President-elect Joe Biden’s acceptance speech used language…
November 15, 2020/by Jennifer Kammeyer

Inspiring Leaders: Students’ Perspectives

We all have somebody who inspires us – to work harder, to…
October 30, 2020/by Jennifer Kammeyer

Human-First Communication

One silver lining to our work-from-home situation is that we…
September 28, 2020/by Jennifer Kammeyer

“What?” The Art of Communicating While Masked

We are masked most of the time these days, but we are still…
August 28, 2020/by Jennifer Kammeyer

Team of Teams Leadership with John Kammeyer

Leadership titles line our bookshelf, but recently my husband,…
June 30, 2020/by Jennifer Kammeyer

Ideate, Structure, Communicate

Adding the step of structuring your content after you create…
May 27, 2020/by Jennifer Kammeyer

Be The Steady Hand

With a steady hand on the tiller, you can set the direction…
April 27, 2020/by Jennifer Kammeyer