
Interactive Presentations: creation to social networking

PowerPoint alone doesn’t cut it anymore.  We are too social…
October 7, 2012/by Jennifer Kammeyer

Share Mindfully

Building rapport is important for communication.  Starting…
August 26, 2012/by Jennifer Kammeyer

Ask (Good) Questions

I hear from many leaders that a key to good leadership is…
July 18, 2012/by Jennifer Kammeyer

Consumer Dialogue

This summer’s special supplement to the Atlantic reads,…
June 28, 2012/by Jennifer Kammeyer

Fantasies of Always-On Connections

I confess to texting someone in the same room.  It can be more…
April 22, 2012/by Jennifer Kammeyer

Taking Space

Seems to be a trend that companies are realizing people need…
March 20, 2012/by Jennifer Kammeyer

The 79th Organ Creating Collective Consciousness

Gopi Kallayil, Product Marketing Manager at Google, called…
February 26, 2012/by Jennifer Kammeyer

Revisiting Presentation Design

SlideRocket recently sent me this e-book on The Secrets of Compelling…
December 16, 2011/by Jennifer Kammeyer

Thankful to Those Who Share

Thanks to EF and NetApp for the invitation to the Silicon Valley…
November 18, 2011/by Jennifer Kammeyer

State of Start-Up Presentations

I watched the Vator Splash SF presentations through two lenses. …
October 14, 2011/by Jennifer Kammeyer

It is All in A Name

Billionaire Vinod Khosla doesn't want to be called a venture…
September 14, 2011/by Jennifer Kammeyer

58,000 Students

As a university teacher, a lover of technological advances, and…
August 16, 2011/by Jennifer Kammeyer