Actions Speak Louder Than Words

I have been noticing acts of kindness happening all around me lately. It is a good reminder that we communicate through our actions. 

I have seen small acts of kindness, like picking up other people‘s trash and giving pedestrians plenty of room and time to cross the street. I have seen grand acts of kindness with so many people helping victims of the fires in Los Angeles.

In the professional world, I have observed women mentoring other women. I have viewed those in power, conferring their social status to those with less power in the room. I have noted leaders taking the time to listen carefully to junior colleagues to better understand their needs.

All of these above actions spoke loudly to those who witnessed them. Without words, the value and importance of other people was communicated. 

When we are conscious and intentional about our actions, we can ensure that they are in line with our values. We can ensure that our actions deliver the message we intend to convey.

To be more intentional, we can:

  • Identify areas of concern and importance 
  • Brainstorm ways to demonstrate that concern
  • Look for opportunities to do so in our everyday activities

Here is an example:

Concern: Women having opportunity for leadership success in business

Ways to Demonstrate: Listen to women’s ideas, make professional connections, give free advice

Opportunities: Listening attentively to nieces or other young woman we meet, giving women kudos for having creative and ambitious ideas, formally mentoring women at work or within our industry

Whether we choose little acts of kindness or big gestures, everything we do communicates what we think is important as our actions speak louder than our words.