All for Direct Manipulation
In this Forbes article, Dan Woods talks about his difficulties of moving from a touch-screen device to a point-and-click device and back again. I am in complete agreement with Dan’s statement, “The confusion, however, has made one thing clear: multi-touch is clearly better than point-and-click. My brain wants direct manipulation. I want the virtual world I am looking at on my screen to act more like the physical world I live in most of the time.”
Direct manipulation — love it. When you want to file a physical piece of paper, you directly manipulate it into a drawer. On a point-and-click device, you may have the same drawer concept, but on a multi-touch device you have a much closer replication of reality. Through time, our electronic devices have come closer and closer to mimicking the way we act in our physical worlds. The multi-touch device is a big step forward. Now I just have to be patient while the rest of my gadgets catch up to my iPhone.